Failure, My Bloody Valentine, The Catherine Wheel, EYEHATEGOD, The Deftones.
Brooklyn husband and wife duo, Mario and Sarah Quintero, are the Spotlights, a band that delivers a sound that saturates, pulverizes, bludgeons and soothes. While the Spotlights may not have discovered fire, they sure do add the sizzle and the spark. Seismic, (the band’s second full-length release on Ipecac Recordings), is a sonic experience that draws you in and leaves you drained and satisfied.
Seismic‘s 11 epic tracks clock in at slightly over an hour, and it is a wholly satisfying grand bargain and basket of sonic bounty. There are no weak tracks or filler. You can put the digital needle down on any track and find a special toy surprise.
For our money, honey, “What Is This? Where Are We?” is a highly representative track. Thick, layered guitars, Butcheresque, murky vocals, gothic fog, and bashing drums. “The Hope of A Trip” is a soothing, atmospheric, somnolent, sound sculpture and trance track. It’s one of the albums “chill” tracks and perfect for headphone listening.
Other highlights include the metallic, throbbing explosion of “Under the Earth,” and the careening, rolling thunder, and heavy doom of “A Southern Death” featuring Mario Quintero’s out of focus vocals. Special mention goes to the spacey “The Opening,” a track that any fan of the Deftones or Failure will dig with a shovel.
When a band earns opening touring slots with such heavies as The Melvins and The Deftones, you know the band has mad bona fides. And, as if that weren’t enough, the sound is just about as raw, powerful and magical as you can find in a world populated with castrated, sanitized, disposable “product” and manufactured bands.
OTHER: The dynamic duo is touring behind their October 6th release. Their St. Louis show at the Fubar has been CANCELED.–Doug Tull
September 25 Madison, WI High Noon Saloon
September 26 Rock Island, IL Rock Island Brewing Co.
September 27 Des Moines, IA Wooly’s
September 28 Omaha, NE The Waiting Room
September 30 Ft. Collins, CO Aggie Theatre
October 2 Albuquerque, NM The Launchpad
October 3 Flagstaff, AZ The Green Room
CANCELED! October 5 St. Louis, MO Fubar CANCELED.
October 6 Brooklyn, NY Brooklyn Bazaar *
* Spotlights only